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En accédant aux pages suivantes, vous vous engagez à :

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(iv) informer Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe de tout manquement à vos obligations aux termes du présent engagement de confidentialité lorsque vous en prendrez connaissance.

Nonobstant ce qui précède, vous pouvez divulguer les Informations Confidentielles:

(i) à vos dirigeants, administrateurs, employés, conseils professionnels et commissaires aux comptes ;

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(iii) à tout investisseur potentiel dans les obligations émises par  Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe (sous réserve de la conclusion d'un accord de confidentialité adéquat avec Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe) ; et

(iv) après avoir obtenu l'accord préalable écrit d'Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe.

Cet engagement de confidentialité est régi par le droit français et tout litige sera de la compétence exclusive du Tribunal de commerce de Paris.

Important: You must read the following before continuing. In accessing the following pages, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below.    

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The following pages include information and documents (the "Confidential Information") which must be treated as confidential until: 

(i) such Confidential Information becomes public information (other than as direct or indirect result of any breach of this confidentiality undertaking); or

(ii) you are notified in writing by Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe that such Confidential Information is no longer considered as confidential.

In accessing the following pages, you undertake:

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(iii) not to disclose, directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever, in whole or in part, any Confidential Information to any third party (except as provided below); and

(iv) to inform Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe of any breach of the obligations imposed under this confidentiality undertaking upon becoming aware of that breach.

Notwithstanding the above, you may disclose the Confidential Information:

(i) to your officers, directors, employees, professional advisers and statutory auditors;

(ii) where requested or required by any legal or regulatory authority having authority over you, provided that, to the extent that you are permitted to do so, you shall notify in writing Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe immediately upon becoming aware of any such requirement in order to allow Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe to take all protective measures or actions and make it possible, under any circumstances, for a prior consultation with Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe in respect of the scope and schedule of the proposed disclosure;

(iii) to any potential investors in the bonds issued by Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe (subject to the entry into an appropriate non-disclosure agreement with Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe) ; and

(iv) with the prior written consent of Autoroute de Liaison Seine-Sarthe.

This confidentiality undertaking shall be governed by French law and any dispute shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris.